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Large character inkjet printers for outer case coding

Our reliable, robust, and sturdy solutions for large character printing (in challenging manufacturing environments) are designed to deliver high productivity and consistent quality. Capable of printing onto a wide range of substrates, and boasting a large ink capacity for minimum operator intervention and maximum uptime, our Macrojet 2 and Casecoder printers are the ideal solution for large character inkjet printing. The Macrojet 2 prints in any orientation, and the Type B version can print letters up to a height of 50mm. Up to four print heads can be combined for even greater coverage.

A range of inks can be supplied to suit a wide range of porous and non-porous media, such as metal, concrete, plastics, timber, and board. The Casecoder is designed for use on carton taping machines, and like the Macrojet 2, it can also be used with a wide range of inks. Both large character printers allow for inks to be replenished during use, reducing downtime required for ink changes.

Ideal For

  • image of BeverageBeverage
  • image of FoodFood
  • image of PharmaceuticalsPharmaceuticals
  • image of IndustrialIndustrial


  • image of Maximum uptimeMaximum uptime
  • image of Clean and simple designClean and simple design
  • image of User friendlyUser friendly
  • image of Programmable operationProgrammable operation

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